Posted by Michael Addison
on 25 August 2015
Introducing our new Mahindra Genio 4x2 dual cab 1.1 tonne utilities!

Mahindra Genio 4x2 dual cab
We're excited by the recent addition of this new vehicle type to our fleet, which offers our clients the following advantages over more traditional utilities:
Bigger dropside body the Genio has a 1.95M long body, versus the more usual 1.65 to1.8M to most other makes.
Bigger payload a much more 'honest' worker than traditional utilities!
Big rear doors for ease of access, with heaps of head and leg room for tallies!
Side steps are standard.
Efficient and economical turbo diesel engine is standard.
SBV (semi bonneted) design makes for a more compact and manoeuvrable vehicle.

Tallies welcome!
And for as long as the '10% OFF' button appears above we're offering 10% OFF our published daily rental rates as an introductory special! For more details about this and other utilities in our fleet look up OUR RANGE and click on the 'Utes & Vans' option.

On the job!